Monday, March 10, 2025

Amos Dye Outcast?

Dear Grandfather Dye,
Started this last year, and though I love the idea of writing about an ancestor each week, I've given up. Still, I thought this was an interesting story so am publishing it a year late. 

This year I am participating in Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks writing prompts. The goal is to write and blog the story of one of my ancestors each week. I'm starting a month behind because of travel schedules, but I am determined to catch up. The topic for this week is outcast. Was Amos Dye an outcast? How did this Ohio native end up in Arizona Territory married to a woman younger than his daughter?

Like many family historians, I use the website for much of my genealogy research. On the site, researchers are often tempted by the leaf hints that appear on our family trees. One of the hints I received for you was for a tombstone in Phoenix, Arizona.

Amos Dye Tombstone Photo from
Memorial ID 32502073 photo by Diane & John
Masons Cemetery, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona

This is the tombstone of a Civil War era Union Soldier. At first, I was convinced that it could not be you.  Afterall, born in 1847, you were younger than most who served. I easily found the record of an Amos Dye who served in Company D, 77th Ohio Infantry. from National Archives Publication M552

Looking at the history of the 77th Ohio, which was formed in Marietta, Ohio, I realized you certainly fit in that location. I also found a record of your brother Henry's enlistment in the 77th on 9 Dec 1961. Henry saw a good deal of action with the 77th, the Battles of Shiloh, Fallen Timbers, the siege of Corinth, the Battle of Bayou Fourche and the capture of Little Rock. I believe that Henry got to come home in the fall of 1863. The Regiment reenlisted 20 Dec 1863 and mustered in 22 Jan 1864. This was just a couple of days after you and brother Dudley enlisted. Were you so impressed by the stories of his adventures, that you decided to go also? Did Henry think at as Second Lieutenant he could assure your survival?

When Henry mustered out 10 Oct 1865, he'd stayed six months after Lee's surrender. The Regiment was in Texas and after 4 years, I guess he had seen enough. Were you and Dudley given the choice to stay or go? We'll probably never know but you both stayed until the Regiment finished its assignment and was returned to Ohio. 

The 1870 Federal Census listed you as "Works in Oil Well" in Lawrence, Washington County, Ohio with your wife Marinda and son Herbert age 3 and daughter Ida M. age 1. I have yet to discover how you were educated in the law but the 1880 Federal Census lists you as a lawyer and you are living in Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia with the same wife and children.

You went on to serve as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives, an Ohio State Senator, a police Court Judge and became a prominent lawyer in Hamilton County, Ohio. Then your wife, Marinda (McCowan) died at the age of 49 on May 24, 1894. You had been married for 30 years. 

About 18 months later you married Ida Schaetzle. This came as quite a shock to your children by Marinda who were both older than your bride. One of her children, my great grandmother, was already married and a mother herself and shared a first name with your second wife. Not to mention, that Ida had most recently been working as a servant in your home. 

Then came the Food and Dairy Commission Scandal. You were accused of taking bribes and enormous legal fees totally $3, 910.03 according to an article in the Democratic Standard of Coshocton, Ohio published on March 13, 1896.  Next thing we know, you and your second family are living in Phoenix, Arizona Territory. 

On January 1, 1906, the Arizona Republican (Phoenix) published a notice for your funeral. I found the notice at

When we were children living in Southern California, we used to visit Selma Ford in Beverly Hills when your granddaughter Hazel Bynon (Allen) Cone came to visit. I never really understood our relationship to Selma until I began more in-depth genealogy research. Today, I know that Selma was your daughter from your 2nd marriage. 

There are two additional inconsistencies in your death notice. One, all the records I've found list you as having served as a private not Colonel in the 77th Ohio Infantry. Second, you were a Grand Master for Odd Fellows when you lived in Cincinnati but were buried in the Masonic Cemetery.

So, it appears you were cast out from your life and family in Ohio.

There are so many additional questions to ask and research to do in Cincinnati.

Love, your 2nd great granddaughter,


PS For family members here is our relationship to Amos Dye:
Amos Dye married Marinda Jan McCowan 11 Feb 1864 their daughter
Ida Mae Dye married Chester Bynon Allen 18 Sep 1890 their daughter
Hazel Bynon Allen is my paternal grandmother

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Finding more about Eliel Melton and Family using new tools at

 Dear Grandparents,

Yesterday was the 188th anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo. Our son-in-law Chris' 4th great uncle Eliel Melton was serving as Quartermaster for the troops defending the Alamo and died there 6 Mar 1836. Today was my first opportunity to try some of the new tools that debuted at Roots Tech last week. So what did I search for?.... additional information on Eliel Melton!

My search brought up a deed that mentioned Eliel and his heirs-at-law including Chris' direct ancestor, his 4th great grandmother Mary "Polly" (Melton) Echols.  Mary was the sibling closest in age to Eliel.

One of the best features of this new tool from Family Search is the AI generated full transcription of the document. For genealogists, transcription of old and sometimes difficult to read documents is a painstaking process involving line by line examination and recording. Often, one must examine all examples of a particular letter in the document to determine which letter and word is written. 

75 The State of Texas men by County of Willam me Stroud Metton Ethen Milton Mary Elchil Harper Stephen Felken by them agent and Attorney in fact Thomas of the State of Georgia heirs at Law of Eliel Melton late of the State of Texas decd for our selves have this day Jonathan Melton of the State of Texas his heirs assigns all and right title interest and claim in and to Five hundred two and one half Nineteen hundred and Twenty my Soldrins Claims lying being and soutered in the County of Ellis deceased the said Jonathan Meton for himself his heirs and assigns to have and to hold the forgoing tract of land with all the right Moreland and improvements to the same belonging incident or appurtaining by these presents forever and we do for ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators do hereby quit all claim which we had or may have in possession or expectancy in and to the premises hereby conveyed and released relinquish the same unto the to the said Jonathan Melton 

The highlighted area above is the AI transcription of the document's first paragraph. 

Now, I am not implying that the AI transcription is perfect. It is far from that but it does provide a much easier starting point. The County in this document is not William but Milam. The names are Stroud Melton, Ethen Melton, Mary Elchols but it is a great help and timesaver.

The next document in the file is a specific power of attourney given by Mary Elchols 21 February 1853. Texas was giving land to the heirs of those that perished at the Alamo. These documents would help Mary recieve one of these land grants. Very fortunate as she had been left in a dire financial situation when her husband Robert Milner Echols died intestate and in debt 3 Dec 1847 in Mexico during the Mexican American War.

Many thanks to Family Search for making these tools available to us for free. I am looking forward to using them in every one of my genealogy projects.



Sunday, August 13, 2023

Laurens Duyts - One of a 100 ancestors with an interesting life.

Dear Grandparents,

In October 2002, my siblings and I traveled to be with our mother (Betty (Werst) Cone) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of our father's (Charles Newton Cone, Jr.) death. Oh, there were some tears shed, but there were many more smiles and laughs as we told stories of the wonderful man he had been. Remembering that wonderful occasion, we decided to gather to mark the 10th anniversary of our mother's passing this year. Given that all four of our grandparents had ancestors who had lived in New York State, coupled with the amazing fact that none of we four (very well-traveled individuals) had ever visited Niagra Falls, we are heading for upstate New York next month. In preparation, I've been doing some research into our New York ancestors and have decided to share some of the amazing lives they lived.

Please meet our 8th great grandfather Lauren Duyts. He is said to have been from an area in Holstein that is now Denmark. No records of his birth or baptism have been discovered. Another Dye (Duyst eventually changed in our family line to Dye), Robert Dye has written,

        "Laurens Duyts was apparently born and raised on the island of "Strand" west of the city of Husum, then part of Denmark. Most of the people on the island made their living by deep sea fishing. In 1634, a catastrophic tidal wave nearly destroyed the island tearing it into three separate islands and killing several hundred people. The area where Laurens lived is now the island of Nordstrand."

The storm may have provided the motivation for his move to Amsterdam. His marriage bans were posted August 28, 1638 in the Noorderkerk on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam, Netherlands. My siblings and I well remember the church from our many trips to visit Trude in Amsterdam. has filmed the Nederland Hervomed Kerk, BK vol 228-229 Page 153 left hand side from FHC microfilm 0223298 Item 2; "Lourens Dyijs from Noortstrant, a laborer living at the Brouwergracht, aged 26 years, with Ytgie Jans from Amsterdam aged 18 years."

The young couple were looking for opportunities and decided to immigrate to New Netherlands, now New York State, the Dutch Colony across the Atlantic. They arrived in New Amsterdam July 15, 1639 on the Brant van Trogen (Fire of Troy in English) a private armed vessel, engaged at Hoorn Hollang by fellow Dane Captain Jochiem Pietersen Kuyter. Two other Danes traveled on the same ship. Jonas Bronck and Peiter Andriesen. Jonas Bronck hired Duyts and Andriesen to clear a tract of 500 acres, which Bronck had purchased from the Indians. According to a book on Scandinavian Immigrants in New York, 1630-1674, Laurens was "commonly known as Laurens Grootschoe (Big Shoe)". One is left to wonder if his feet were exceptionally large.

        "They shall be at liberty to plant tobacco and maize, on the express condition                           that every two years they shall clear new pieces of the land...furthermore, Pieter                       Andriesz and Lourens Duyts bind and pledge their persons and properties for the                      payment of what Mr. Bronck has disbursed for them on board the ship De Brant                        van Troven, 120 guilder 16 stivers of which Peiter Andriessen must pay fl 81:4 and                    Lourens Duyst fl. 49:12. Done in Fort Amsterdam, 21st of July 1639.

Arnold J. F. Van Laer, New York Historical Manuscripts Dutch Vol I; 1638-1642; Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore, MD. 1974; pp 196-197; Morris Library, University of DE, Newark.  

Their first child, daughter Margariet was baptized December 23, 1639 in New Amsterdam. One of her sponsors was Gerrit Jansen of Oldenburg leading to speculation that he may have been Ytgie's brother. She was followed by sons Jan Laurenszen Duyts in 1642 and our 7th great grandfather Jans Laurentzen Duyts in 1644. 

Laurens seems to have been an itinerant farmer, renting the land he worked. He had a difficult time getting along with his neighbors as well as the Dutch authorities. One can find more than 15 instances in the court records of New Amsterdam documenting his legal problems. These problems come to a tumultuous conclusion with the verdict handed down by Pieter Stuyvesant, one of the severest verdicts handed down in New Amsterdam.

In November 1658, Laurens was accused of forcing his wife to sleep with Jan Botcher. When she refused, he beat her. Later he sold and left his wife to Jan Botcher to settle an old debt of 500 guilders, thirty guilders in hand and a half a barrel of beer. Laurens is then accused of committing adultery with Gessie Jans, the married wife of Jan Jansen Smit, with whom he had relations several times according to confession of both of them. The Director General of the United Netherlands and the honorable lords directors of the Chartered West India Company at the Chamber of Amsterdam sentenced and condemned, as they hereby sentence and condemn the aforesaid Lauens Duijts alias Grootschoen to be brought to the place where justice is commonly done, and the, with the hangman's rope around the neck be severely whipped with rods, and his right ear shall be cut off, and he shall be and remain banished from this province for the period of 50 years, on penalty if he returns again to this province of being punished with the rope until death follows, and to pay the legal cost made for this, as an example to others, denying the fiscal's further claim made on and against him. Thus done and sentenced in Fourth Amsterdam the 25th of November 1658 and executed the 30th of the same month.

Stuyvesant Pieter Tonneman

For living in adultery with Laurens Duyts, Geese Jansen is sentenced to the whipping post, the upper part of her body being stripped naked, and two rods placed in her hand, to be afterwards conducted, in that wise, outside the city gates, and banished for the term of 30 years with costs. Her sentence was also carried out on November 30th. 

The similar paper for Ytige Jans, Lauren's legal wife is illegible where the sentence is spelled out however it carries the same ominous phrase "executed the 30th day of the same month." She was found guilty as charged without torture and was whipped and banished also. She was found guilty of living in adultery with John Parcell, alias Borcher, of Huntingdonshire, England.

On December 12th, 1658, John Parcel and Itje Jans file a petition pleading for mercy and confessing their "guilt, and sin and great remorse.... not knowing to which place they will flee with their five innocent little children.... praying for the love of Goad, out of mercy to pardon the petitioners and to allow them to stay in this province, and to agree that they may be married for the protection of the innocent children."

The Council's record on the decision does not survive but when John Parcel dies in 1684, he leaves a widow Ytije.

(These items are held in the New York State Archives and published online by the New Amsterdam History Center which provides both the images and the translations).

Laurens Duyts went into exile in Bergen, New Jersey where he married Grietje Jansen January 1, 1666. They were among the first couples married in the new settlement of Bergen.

Laurens and Ytige are my paternal grandmother's 7th great grandparents through their youngest son Hans Laurentzen Duyts. My grandmother was a very prim and proper woman and would have been scandalized by the stories of Laurens' behavior. In fact, I imagine that she would not be pleased that I am sharing this story. Hopefully, she will understand that the stories of our ancestors, the good, the bad and the ugly, should be told.



For family: Our line to Laurens Duyts:

Hazel Bynon (Allen) Cone daughter of Chester Bynon Allen and Ida Mae Dye. Ida Mae Dye, daughter of Amos Dye, Jr. and Marinda Jane McCowan. Amos Dye, Jr. son of Amos and Maria (Taylor) Dye. Amos Dye son of John Laurens and Elizabeth (Caywood) Dye. John Laurens Dye son of John and Mary (Applegate) Dye. John Dye son of John Laurens and Ann (Brown) Dey. John Larens Dey son of Hans Laurentzen Duyts and wife Sarah Vincent. Hans Laurentzen Duyts son of Laurens Duyts and Ytige Jans.

Note: spellings used in this post are the spelling found in the documents or translations. Spelling was not standardized until the 1920s so names are often spelled differently even in the same document.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Helen Louise (Werst) (Pearce) Caldwell 1928-2019

Dear Grandparents,

I started writing this post in March of 2020 and then COVID happened and all of our lives changed. I'm just getting back to it this year in time to celebrate Aunt Helen's 95th birthday. 

This is the first year in a long while that I will not be sending birthday greetings to Aunt Helen. She is in your company this year, not ours. It is very strange as she has always been an important part of my life. I was named for her and Cecil, so I became Cecily Louise. Like most of our stories, her story is complicated.

Cecil Oscar and Ada Grace (Colby) Werst in Spokane, Washington circa August 8, 1924.

It wasn't a very auspicious beginning for Helen. Her father, Cecil Oscar Werst, had died from an infected tooth 4.5 months before her birth. It was before penicillin, and he was gone in 10 days, leaving behind a stunned, pregnant wife, Grace (Colby) Werst and their 15 months old daughter, Betty Lorraine.

At age 27, death was probably the last thing on Cecil's mind. Times were good. The family was living in a comfortable rented house on McClellan Street in Spokane, Washington. Cecil had been promoted to manager at the Royal Silk Hosiery Company. Grace had worked as the secretary to the publisher of the Spokesman Review Newspaper and left her position to welcome their first child. We're not certain if Cecil or Grace already knew there was another baby on the way. He left no life insurance, some savings but most of that was invested in stocks.

Feeling desperate, Grace and Betty traveled by train to Pendleton, Oregon so she could be with her sister Madge (Colby) Massey during her confinement. Helen Louise Werst was born 10 Mar 1928 in Pendleton, Oregon.

Betty, Grace and Helen from left to right in Spokane circa 1928

Grace tried, really tried, to make it with her two girls back in Spokane. She was a modern woman and wanted to stand on her own two feet. Unfortunately, it was difficult to find a job, childcare, etc.
Complicating things even more was the economic situation in the country. Beginning in March 1929, the Federal Reserve began warning of the dangers of stock speculation and by October 29th everything crashed. The stocks that Grace held became worthless. She wrote to the company heads of each of the stocks she held pleading for a job.

Grace had to give up the rented home, sell many of their belongings and move in with Madge and her husband Harley Massey in Pendleton. Finally, a letter came with the offer of a job as a stenographer at the Smith Tower in Seattle. How could she get there? find a place to live? and most importantly, what about her daughters? I'm certain that she agonized about these decisions. In the end, Betty stayed with Aunt Madge and Uncle Hal in Pendleton and Helen went with her Mom to Seattle.

They probably traveled by train and found a boarding house recommended by co-workers or family friends. She arranged for Helen to stay with an older couple during the day and went to work. This arrangement lasted until the summer of 1932. Grace's father William Wallace Colby wrote asking her to come home and take care of him after his second wife passed.

Helen and Grace in Seattle circa 1930

Grace jumped at the chance to finally be able to raise her girls together at Pine Lawn Farm where she had spent her older childhood years. From the recounted stories, it was quite a change for everyone. Grace had been head of her family, making her own money and deciding how it would be spent. The much youngest of five girls, Grampa Colby was 45 when she was born, now he was 75 and set in his ways.  He thought children should be seen but not heard and he was not shy about expressing his opinions on how Grace should be raising her daughters.

Betty and Grampa Colby (William Wallace Colby 1857-1936) at Pine Lawn Farm

It must have been difficult for the girls also! Betty had been left behind with her Aunt and only saw her mother the few times when she was sent on the bus from Pendleton to Seattle with a family friend who drove the bus. She missed her father and was away from her mother at the same time. Helen didn't get to see her mother during the day and was not fond of the couple who cared for her. She was jealous that Betty had nicer clothes that Aunt Madge had purchased. What a challenge for them all.

Turned out that Pine Lawn Farm was a wonderful place to spend one's childhood. There were animals, chores and kids the same age across the street. There was not much money, but it was the depression and few people had money. They could trade the chickens and prunes they raised for other crops and services they needed. The "farm" gave them a sense of belonging to a place that I've never had in my nomadic life. Maybe that's why we're keeping it in the family.

Above barn at Pine Lawn Farm, below farmhouse

Helen at farm circa 1945

                                              Betty, Grace and Helen at the farm circa 1945                                               
There is much more to add to her story but this is a good place to stop with chapter one. 

Happy 95th birthday Aunt Helen! We miss you!


Friday, February 17, 2023

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Catch-up I'd like to Meet Simpson Barnes

 Dear Grandparents,

There are so many ancestors that I would like to meet, that it is a difficult task to select just one. Given that task, I select one of my brick walls, my 2nd great grandfather Simpson Barnes. I have been searching to identify Simpson’s parents for many years. No image of Simpson Barnes has been passed down through my part of the family. Most of what I know of Simpson comes from the census records he left behind.

The earliest record I have is the 1850 Federal Census enumerated on the 31st of August 1850 by W. W. Wood in the Township of Cambria, Hillsdale County, Michigan.

This shows Simpson Barnes, on line 11, as a 23 year old Farmer born in NY state with Angelina Barnes, whom I know to be his wife, age 20 born in Ohio and their 3 months old son Wesley David Barnes, born in Michigan. They are the household listed just below the family of Wesley Burgoyne, age 46, born in Virginia, his wife Sarah age 44 born in Pennsylvania and their son James Burgoyne age 18 born in Ohio.

Of special not is the tick mark for Simpson Barnes that indicates he could not read or write.

By 1856, Simpson Barnes is living in Columbia, Wapello County, Iowa. The others in the family are only identified by initials but A, aged 25 born in Ohio, married and like Simpson has lived in Iowa for 3 years. This person seems to be Angelina. Their son is identified as C. W. born in Mich who has lived in Iowa for 3 years which seems to line up with the son previously listed as Wesley. There is also a one year old female listed as E. E. born in Iowa.

The 1859 Kansas State Census lists Simpson Barnes, who settled in Osakaloosa, Jefferson County in November 1858. Immediately below his enumeration is James Burgoyne who settled there in August 1858. This James Burgoyne is more probably, his wife Angelina's young brothe James. There is another column that mentions those who are not allowed to vote and a Barns, W. C. is listed there. Thre is significant blled through from the next page on the record image so more investigation is needed.

In the 1860 Federal Census, James Burgoyne and family are enumerated directly above the record for Simpson Barnes still in Oskaloosa, Oskaloosa Township, Jefferson County, Kansas. Both men are listed as farm laborers with real estate of $100 and personal estate of $50. Simpson has two additional children, William age 2 and James age 11 months. Simpson can still not read or write but his older children are attending school.

The 1865 Kansas State census gives the most complete listing of Simpson’s and Angelina’s family. Children are still listed only by initials but sone C. W. is 14, daughter E. E. is 11, son W. N. is 10, son J. E is 5, daughter M. J. is 3 and son T. S. is 7 months old. I believe that daughter M. J. is my great grandmother Mary Jane (Barnes) Werst. Sadly, Simpson is still illiterate. However, he is now a farmer with land that he owns.

I listened to a webinar by the noted genealogist and researcher Elizabeth Shown Mills recently. She talked about how often we have the answers to some of our questions in the documents that we have already found but not completely analyzed. Today was the first time I noticed that Simpson was illiterate and is marked so on every census.  I also looked at some other information that I had collected for Simpson. 

Several years ago,  I found a U.S. General Land Office Record for Simson Barnes on The place listed was Crawford, Iowa so I wasn’t entirely convinced that this person was the same as my Simpson so I merely saved it as in 1860, my Simpson was living in Jefferson County, Kansas. This time I went back to the original record from the Bureau of Land Management at|st=IA|cty=|ln=Barnes|fn=Simson|sp=true|sw=true|sadv=false. 

This time there was a complete image of the Military Warrant 46210 issued in Iowa on May 1, 1860 to Simson Barnes “minor Child of John J. Barnes deceased private Captain Stokes Company, Ohio Militia, War 1812.” It further states that the land has been duly located upon, “the east half of the Southwest quarter of Section twelve in Township Eighty-three of Range thirty eight in the District of Lands subject to sale at Council Bluffs, Iowa containing eight acres.”

Turns out, Simson Barnes assigned this land to Andrew L. Grimes, which means he probably sold the land to Mr. Grimes because he was living in Kansas.


Finally! A clue as to who "Simson’s", "Simpson’s" father. John J. Barnes is listed in the Ohio Militia for the War of 1812 and he is in Captain Stoake’s Company. I have to keep reminding myself that spelling does not count and was not standardized until the 20th century and Simpson was illiterate.

Captain Stoake’s Company was raised from Harrison County, Ohio which is due west of Pittsburgh, PA.  I do not have any records of Simpson from Harrison County and every record I do have lists him as having been born in New York state. The Ohio Militia fought in New York State. So now my working hypothesis is that John Barnes met Simpson’s mother in New York and settled there. Clearly, much more research to do. It would be so much easier to just meet and he could provide all the answers.



PS. For family members her is our relationship to Simpson Barnes
Simpson and Angelina (Burgoyne) Barnes, their daughter 
Mary Jane Barnes married Lewis Werst, their son
Cecil Oscar Werst married Ada Grace Colby, their daughter
Betty Lorraine (Werst) Cone is my mother.

Happy National Inventors Day! February 11, 2023

Dear Granddaddy and Grandfather Allen,

We're celebrating National Inventors' Day this weekend. Talk of inventions were standard during my childhood. Each trip to see our grandparents in Oregon entailed a tour of the Pacific Adhesives Corporation, my paternal Grandfather's firm. We had tours of the plant, got to see the new railroad cars, and especially got to visit my Grandfather's laboratory. There were always experiments underway and it was fascinating even if it didn't always smell great. Granddaddy held several patents including US2191070A on the Process of manufacturing plywood which was assigned to M&M Wood Working Co. The original application was filed 19 Feb 1935. Drawing from the patent below.

Granddaddy was not the only inventor in the family. Chester Bynon Allen, Grandmother Cone's father also had several patents to his name. His first patent was filed June 16, 1908 and was approved July 6, 1909. It is Patent No 927,205 for Wainscoting. He developed the process while living in Johnson City, Tennessee and working as President of the Standard Oak Veneer Company and the Allen Panel Company.

Both men had several patents all of which have expired now.

I knew my grandfather well and was lucky enough to know him as an adult. He was always willing to read to us as children and never backed away from an intellectual discussion when we were adults.

Love this photograph of him as a young chemist and inventor circa 1932.

My great grandfather Chester Bynon Allen died October 21, 1945, so I never new him. I talked with one of his older grandchilren, H. Brent Cooke, III, about him several years ago. Brent said that he remembered him sitting at the table reading his newspaper, and looking askanse over the paper at some of the opinions that his wife was expressing. The photograph below was posted by Lawrence Allen, another of his great grandchildren. I think I detect some remainder of the red hair he was supposed to have passed on to my Grandmother.

Febrary 13, 2023 was the 157th anniversary of his birth.


Jeremiah Pratt marries Jennet Pratt February 16, 1790

 Dear Grandparents,

When family historians run across marriage records where each member of the couple's surname is the same, the first thought is often that the bride's maiden name has been lost to time. The second thought might be this is going to be cousin marrying cousin. Such were the ideas that occured to me when I found the record of the marriage of Jeremiah Pratt and Jennet Pratt February 16, 1790 by the Rev. Richard Ely.  They were married in the Second Congregational Church in Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut. The second church was organized June 19, 1726 in an area that is now Westbrook, a town that was formed from Saybrook in 1840. Interestingly, Jeremiah and Jennet are not the only all Pratt couple whose marriage is recorded on the same page of the church records. A marriage between Nataniel Jones Pratt and Tempe Pratt is recorded on December 10, 1789.  So are Jeremiah and Jennet closely related?

Looking at the family tree of their daughter and my 3rd great grandmother Harriet (Pratt) Utley, we can see that there is more than one Pratt to Pratt marriage as Jeremiah's parents Edward and Mary were both Pratts also.

The following chart shows Jeremiah's and Jennet's parentage.

So Jeremiah's 3rd great grandparents are the same as Jennet's 4th great grandparents making them 4th cousins once removed. Interestingly, Jeremiah's mother, Mary Pratt, is not related to the others.

Jeremiah and Jennet are the parents of eleven children. My 3rd great grandmother Harriet Pratt was born 19 Oct 1806 in Burlington Flats, Otsego County, NY and died there 3 Jun 1892 aged 85. She married Philip Utley on 25 Nov 1827 and they were the parents of 8 children. She did not seem to suffer from having a number of Pratts in her family tree.


PS for family members our relationship to Jeremiah and Jennet (Pratt) Pratt
their daughter 
Harriet Pratt and Philip Utley their daughter,
Eliza Harriet Utley and William Warner Cone, their son
Frederick Naaman Cone and Helen Brown Newton, their son
Charles Newton Cone and Hazel Bynon Allen my paternal grandparents